Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sacred Harp singing...

Well, tonight was the 2nd time I have ever participated in shaped-note a cappella singing, and it was amazing! We went to a house in St. Louis, which belongs to a husband and wife team who also sings a cappella. In the back of their home, they had built an awesome singing room... wood floors and vaulted wood ceiling. The music was bouncing everywhere, and the acoustics was perfect!

I brought my friend, Carolyn, and her daughters, Amber and Amy. She knew she was going to witness an a cappella group, but she didn't realize that she was going to participate in it! She just misunderstood me, but oh well... I think she and her daughters enjoyed it.

This is just one more thing to thank Sister Michelle. Thank you SO much for getting us all into this shaped-note singing! This has been just an amazing experience for me!

Here's a shaped-note song to click on and enjoy!

SONG ON MY MIND: Here's another song from Michael Tait. It's heartbreakingly sad, but it is also SO beautiful.

Half of you has been taken
The other half... is barely holding on
You set a course across the ocean
You had a dream...
And now it’s all but lost

But I want you to know...
I won’t let you go

Oh my heart... aches for you
Oh my heart... breaks for you
Oh my heart... bleeds for you
Whatever may come...
I’ll stand by you

Who you are is amazing
A precious soul... so beautifully made
It hurts to see your life fading
But Heaven knows every tear you’ve cried
Oh yeah...

My heart aches... for you
My heart breaks... for you
My heart bleeds

You are so amazing...
Keep the light from fading

Behind the Song:
"We’ve watched a lot of friends and family members go through absolutely horrific emotional experiences in their lives and this song is just a giant hand of love reaching out to hurting people and saying “You’re not alone. You will make it through this. I’m hurting and breaking for you inside my heart, and I’m here for you.” And God is present in your suffering even you can’t feel Him." - Michael Tait


Blogger strem said...

Even though I was tired going into the "class" last night, I walked away with hoarse voice but extremely happy heart. I hope your friends had a good time. I am so glad that I finally contacted the group. Even though I wish I had done it years ago, I feel like it might have been just the perfect time so that all of us could participate and share this experience together....and share it with our friends. Looking forward to the next singing already!

Tue Oct 03, 09:24:00 AM  

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