Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Vote NO on Amendment 2...

One week from today, Missouri voters are being asked to vote on an initiative called Amendment 2. The embryonic stem cell issue is heating up.

After studying the amendment and reading the pros and cons, I am convinced that there is some creative writing going on here, and this amendment will leave much room for interpretation, which could lead to some very crafty loopholes.

Here are two good articles (article 1) and (article 2) that describes why I do NOT agree with this initiative. I am asking folks to not totally buy into embryonic stem cell research until you have read up on it.

I can understand the emotional firestorm stem cell research has opened up. I am not totally unsympathetic to it, as I want cures to be found with this research.

I'm sorry Michael J. Fox has Parkinson's disease. I hope a cure opens up for him, but not at the expense of human embryos. At the same time, I believe it's wrong to mislead citizens to thinking that the only way to find cures to illnesses is by looking at embryonic stem cells. This is leading folks down the wrong path. Adult cord blood is also stem cell, and there is research that shows that this is just as good or even better. I believe this is where the "private" research should continue. Our tax dollars should NOT make it a constitutional right to pay for embryonic stem cell research, because the language loopholes could eventually lead to cloning. Yes, cloning!

For those who are voting in Missouri next Tuesday, please watch this video that should give everyone pause to what we are voting for, to what this is actually about, and WHY you should NOT vote for it.

We are unfortunately riding the slippery slope of misinformation, and I urge each voter in Missouri to not buy into the proponent's play on emotions. Don't get sucked into the celebrity factor. Be informed...

We must not play GOD.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100 percent. There is such a big difference between Stem Cell research and Embryonic Stem Cell research. The main difference is that the first does not kill a human embryo, whereas the second does. Furthermore, the first is showing much scientific promise, while the second is not. Even if Embryonic Stem Cell work was showing promise, would we support research which terminated 2-year-old children in order to extend or improve the life of adults? The only difference between the embryo and the 2-year-old is 2.75 years of development. Thank you for writing this blog entry!

Wed Nov 01, 04:19:00 PM  
Blogger Sandy-san said...

What makes me sick is that on TV (like I told you tonight) the pro-stem cell research states that over and over and over again: This is stem cell research. They NEVER say it's an embryonic stem cell research. WHY don't they just come out and state this important word "embryonic" ?! WHY do they just casually leave this word out? Hmmm? Grrr...

Wed Nov 01, 11:42:00 PM  

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