Friday, October 06, 2006

And she turns 40...

My cousin, Tina, who lives in Nashville, TN, turns 40 today! It's hard to believe that she (and my sister, Kristina-san, who just turned 40 in September), are now in the company of us 40-somethings!

Now I know that there are many folks here that are just still wet behind the ears, but that's okay. You're going to catch-up real soon... I can't believe how fast my time on this earth is going by. Before you know it... a decade will just zipped on by.

I use to think that 40 was old. That's so funny to me now because inside, I feel like I am about... 20-25. I'm sorry to say that my body doesn't look like that, but I sure feel that way.

I'm sorry, Tina, that I don't keep in touch with you like I should. I am not a very good cousin. I will try to do better in the future. In fact, all of my cousins... I want to try to do better about keeping in touch. I know that this is not a good enough excuse, but life just sort of gets in the way of what I really want, and I am really sorry about that.

In the meantime, Tina Marie, please have fun today... Reminisce of all the good times in your life, and know that you have a lot of family and friends who love you. I pray that God continues to shower you with many, MANY enjoyable days/weeks/months/years.


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